Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mini freak out moment!

     Apologies for not making a post in a while, we've been busy with non-house related activities.  The kids are back in school, my husband is officially done with the CPO Season and our family has gone back home to Alabama.  We have time now to focus on everything in our home and honestly, I'm starting to get a bit overwhelmed. And depressed.  (Angry???)  Things seem to be just breaking, either on their own or with the help of my offspring.  I don't think we've gone more than a day without finding SOMETHING that is going wrong.

     First on the list:
The Garbage Disposal (AKA: The Demon Machine)

It jammed up on us a few days ago, which happens.  We did some googling, found out how to fix the issue and did.  Our defeat of The Demon Machine was shortlived however, as yesterday I saw that something under our sink had been leaking.  Another.  Leak.

After doing some high-class investigating, we thought we had solved the problem, it seemed the leak was coming from our spray nozzle.  "That's easy," we thought as we breathed a sigh of relief, "Just replace the gasket or even the whole nozzle, but until then, we'll just leave it hanging in the sink."


Turns out, it's the nozzle AND the disposal.

After more sifting through the first 2 pages of google (yes, two pages. That's when you know the desperation is real) the best answer I found was to replace the whole damn thing.  Woopie. Hooray. Huzzah. I'm so freaking excited about spending a crap-ton of money on a new disposal and about also spending a lot of time fixing it.  I normally wouldn't be too worried about the amount of time spent fixing something, but we have so many things going on so this is just something we didn't need right now.

Second on the list:
Weather Stripping

You all get it right?  The stripping is so jacked, that we can see daylight through our closed door.  "But you LOVE natural sunlight, lady!"   Yes, yes I do when it's streaming through a window brightening my day while I sip my morning (or afternoon) coffee.  Seeing it through the frame of my door however makes me want to turn green and run through a wall or 20.  It's just sitting there, like, "Haha!! Do you feel the hot air seeping through?!  DO YOU?!  DO YOU?!"

Yes Your Majesty!  I agree!  Screw you, sunlight through my door frame, you are unwanted here!

Third on the list:
Front Door

The handle fell off.   The handle...fell off.

That's it!  I quit.  I mean, it was an easy and quick fix but COME ON!

Let us not forget that the kids have pulled down a shower curtain rod and also my curtain rod.  The shower rod...who cares.  But my curtain rod?!  We haven't had a lot of time to clean out our garage either, so it's getting to me.  Plus, there are no frames hanging on our walls yet.  The old man is like, "Do it yourself, babe."  Okay.  Here's how it'll look:

That's straight right?  Don't get me wrong, I can hang the easy stuff.  I'm talking, one nail, in the middle, done.  It might not be in the exact middle of the wall, but I can hang it!  The dual hangy'things?  Nope, nu uh, not gonna do it.  I am a tried and true sucktard at hanging those little bastards.   My husband on the other hand, is a God at that stuff.  He's meticulous in measuring and making sure everything is straight before he starts hammering.  Before too long though, I'm going to be forced to attempt this myself.  *Cue scary music*

I know what I'll be doing over the next few days though: Garage.  Maybe if I can knock out that one task, I'll feel a bit better.

Tomorrow though...we get our new roof.  At the rate we've been going, let's just hope that our entire home doesn't fall down around us.  Before, during and after photos to come!

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