Monday, September 15, 2014

Raise the Roof

The roof!  The roof!  The roof and sturdy!   It...looks...UHMAYZING!  So good, it requires some weird teenage way of spelling 'amazing.'

But no seriously, our first grown-up purchase on our first home looks great, I couldn't be more excited and happy about it. We decided to go through Lowe's to get our roof because...Lowe's.  We love Lowe's. Who needs Disney World when you have Lowe's?  Can I say Lowe's any more?  Lowe's rules.  I'm done now.  Okay...moving on!

Those shingles used to be gray, yall.  I am 28 years old, our roof was 22 years old.  That's awful isn't it?  We had a run around with our insurance company because of it, too.  Super annoying.  The guys from the roofing company were at our house at 0730, here it is, past 1900 (7, for you non 24-hour clock folks) and these guys are still here cleaning up.  They even did us a solid, so-to-speak, but more on that later.  

Estate Gray.  Oh-lah-lah!  Why yes....we're having a fundraising gala at our Estate.  Mmm, quite.  

This was interesting for me, the whole roof thing. It was loud and fast, and to be honest, I had no idea how it was done until today.  It's certainly one job that I would never want, it looked like back-breaking work, from sun up until sundown, almost quite literally.  These guys certainly earned their money today.  

Looking good, 'eh?  My kids were enthralled with the whole process.  They were also ticked when I wouldn't let them climb the ladder to the roof to help. 

Check her out!!  From shingles so old they turned white, to this!  They actually look like shingles now.  Now, about that "solid" the guys did us.  When we signed the contract, our shed was included in the structure that needed to be re-shingled, however on their paperwork it wasn't. The guy in charge came to me, after they had been working non-stop for 12 hours, to ask if I wanted them to do the shed anyway.  I mean, I was told it was included, but somewhere down the line, wires got crossed.  Still though, 12 hours and these guys gladly took another 30 minutes to complete our shed.  Lowe's man...Lowe's.  I'm thrilled with the results, our home looks great now.  We just have to give the new shingles a few days to lay flat, but that's just part of it.  It looks so much better than it did.  I'm already excited about another big project we have planned....THE AIR CONDITIONER!  

Mean Girls references are ALWAYS warranted.  

1 comment:

  1. Looks really good sweetie!!!! Love reading the progress you guys are making! Love you!
