Wednesday, August 20, 2014

And so it begins

     I come to you today in a state of panic and distress. I am so upset that my mind can't function properly.  Don't be alarmed if I start rambling on and on about the most mundane things, it's just me trying to wrap my head around what has happened.  Two things have caused this emotional uproar:

1. I am almost out of coffee. 
2. Our washer lines/valves are leaking. 

     Coffee lovers, you understand my panic.  Opening that coffee container and seeing the bottom of it.  The horror!  Oh the humanity!  This of course is easily replaced, something I can do easily and by myself.  The plumbing....not so much.  I mean, I am woman, hear me roar!  I CAN do it, I just don't know how to do it.  I hear plumbing is pretty serious business, we kinda need our pipes to work correctly and stuff and junk. What do I know though?  I'm new to this home-owning thing.

     We had the house inspected of course, we aren't totally insane. The inspector used his water-leaking-tester thingy and said, and I quote, "There was probably a small leak here at some point, but it's not leaking now, nothing to worry about."  Cool.  Bro knows what he's doing, right?  Let's grab our time-travel machine and go the time we installed our washer and dryer in our new house.  Don't forget not to mess with anything, you could screw up the space-time continuum and that wouldn't be good for anyone. 

     Beep, boop, beep.

     So here we are, ready to bring in our washer and dryer, but lo and behold!  The previous owners have left theirs behind!  What luck!  We can sell those bad boys on Craigslist.  We move the washer, go to disconnect the hoses (because ours are brand new from Lowe's and they so totally rock), can't get them off.  The hose connecting the water line to the machine is cross-threaded and is so tightly stuck that even a Hulk Smash couldn't break it loose.  I'm going to assume you all know what happens when a hose with water running through it does when cross-threaded.  Yes class, you're absolutely correct!  It leaks!  Water...all over the floor.  Not to mention a crap ton of dust mixed in with it.  Not our dust, but someone else's dust.  Yuck, doesn't even begin to cover it.  Needless to say, we're a bit upset but as homeowners, we resolve to have the issue corrected ASAP.  In the meantime we thought, we'll just turn the water off at the valve so it's not leaking into our floor. 

     Can you guess what happened when we shut the water off?  It started leaking - from the valve!  A steady drip of water, just enough to taunt me.  What others heard: Drip. Drip. Drip.   What I heard: HA! HA! HA!  Since it only leaks at the valve when the water is shut off, I can see how the inspector missed it, but come on, son! Plumbing issues from the start?!  What the hey?! Is it not enough that when I went to clean our toilet in our room, the lid shot off the bowl like a rocket? That's all the plumbing issues this gal wants.   The previous owners, or someone who owned it before them, decided to move the washer lines inside.  Originally, they were in the garage.  The job they did however, looks like a DIY nightmare. I'm glad it's inside, I can't imagine having to go in to the garage to do laundry.  It's hot and spider-infested in the summer and cold as balls in the winter, no thank you.  However, I feel like, as a homeowner, how do you not do it correctly?  They took the time, the money and the work to move everything, but they did a crap ass job and didn't seem to care.  They knew it leaked, yet they did nothing. My husband and I are very proud to call this house ours and when we do a project, or a repair, it will be done correctly.  If we mess something up, well then we'll fix it.  It's very annoying to move in to a house and find a problem like this right off the bat.  Especially after the inspection didn't pick it up, we weren't expecting it. 

     I did the only thing I could think of at the time...I called my Daddy.  And I bawled.  Buying a house is stressful, yall!  Buying.  Moving.  Cleaning the old house more than I was able to clean my own.  And then we discover this.  I called Daddy, had a good cry and 1 (3) glass of wine in the middle of the day, and then I felt better.  I put my pull-ups on and carried on like a big kid.  Dad tried to give me tips and pointers over the phone, some I think will work without us having to call a plumber, but I can't quite get the tools where they need to go, so Husband has a honey-do list now.    

   Hopefully soon I'll be here posting a happy update on this leaky situation.  I'll have the last-laugh, drip! Oh yes. 

1 comment:

  1. Bless you sweetie!!!! It will get better! And you will have your revenge on that drip soon! Love you!
