Sunday, January 25, 2015

DIY Ideas...oh Lord.

Since I have no journal to write in at the moment, I'm going to bend your ear on the nonsensical musings of a woman with a thousand DIY ideas in her head.

The main thing I'd love to renovate is the half bath that is downstairs.  It's the one our friends use, it gets seen by a lot of people....and I hate it.  I'm not exaggerating, I hate it.  I love the decorative pieces that I added, but thats's all I can say for the bathroom.

It's gold.  The fixtures are gold.  It looks gaudy. I have always been a silver kinda gal.  My wedding rings aren't gold.  I do not own any gold jewelry.  I don't know why, I've just never liked the look of it.  No judgement on anyone who does love gold stuff of course. Silver things just seem more relaxed to me, more elegant. Let's get down to business. defeat...the huns.   (Sorry, I really like Disney movies.)

This is our half bath.

Pay attention to the TP holder. It's broken. Again.
And sorry Mother, I still haven't gotten
any hand towels to hang on the hooks!

Gold.  Gold everywhere. 
I should've also gotten a picture of the cabinets, they're a huge reason I'd like to renovate this space, but oh well.  They are old and generic, not at all what my family and I are like.  We're fun, Southern and traditional.  Not to mention we're young. So what if I have 10 months until I turn 30! I'M STILL YOUNG DAMNIT!  So, we've established there is too much gold and the cabinets are old. I can't forget to mention the toilet, I'd really just like a new seat, not a brand new toilet.  Although, if they were free...I'd get it.  Know what I'm sayin'?

Here's what I'd love to do to our cabinets:
Thanks Pinterest!

They basically look just like the before photo, just a tad bit older. I'd love to have that dark color with silver fixtures and a bigger mirror. It's always amazing to me how cabinets can either make or break a room, really make it pop you know?  Like I said, it's a half bath, so we're not working with a lot of space here, so I'd love to do something to make the room seem a bit bigger and really reflect our style. The website makes this seem so easy, but this is me we're talking about. I can barely draw stick figures and I have been known to make a mess of things from time to time.  I should also point out that my husband has no idea I'd like to do this, so surprise babe!  I looove youuuuu!!!

I like keeping our current cabinets, just painting them and updating them.  It also saves us money, so boom goes the dynamite.  We're all for saving money and yet still getting "new" stuff.  Of course buying new fixtures is what's going to cost us.  Painting = time consuming.  Fixtures = money.  This is especially true when you think of the cost of new lighting, but if we look at it as an investment in our home, it's a great thing.  Maybe in the near future you guys will see a new post talking about how awesome our "new" bathroom looks with pictures of what we did along the way.

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! If you don't have goals, things just come to a stand-still! It may take a little while longer than you would like (I know you want it done yesterday!), but when you do get it done (and you will) you will REALLY appreciate what you all have accomplished! Love you sweetie!
