Secondly, I am only kidding. However, those two goofballs are the reason for this post today. A little over a month ago, our Texas Heeler decided it would be fun to run full speed into our Lab, who happened to be standing right at our back door, begging to come in so that I could let him outside again, kinda like a cat. Our dogs decision resulted in this:
Could. Have. Killed him.
Want to see more of the destruction?! I've got more destruction pictures.
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Excuse the gunk on the door, I tried to use wood glue to fix it. Didn't work. |
Yes, we had to hold our back door closed with a chair. This happened TWO DAYS after our new HVAC unit was installed, all that glorious heat....seeping through the cracks. Tragic. SO...MORE money had to be spent at Lowe's because of this. Being a homeowner is FUN!!
And like most things go, our old door wasn't a standard size, so it had to be ordered, built, shipped, yada yada yada. We've had a completely broken door for over a month, a door that anyone, even a tiny little infant baby, could've thumped and it would have opened. I did not sleep well, or return home alone easily. The day has finally arrived though, Lowe's is here installing our new FRENCH doors! Both doors actually open this time, so it's like....legit French.
But in all seriousness, YAY!! Our new doors are here! I don't have to freak out any time the dogs go outside for fear of them running in to it and damaging it further! I don't have to wake up at 0200 to a strange noise and immediately think the worst (although I will anyway). My parents built their house when I was 10, I've seen construction stuff, but this is cool to just sit back and watch. One, the guys installing the doors are British. Like, 'Ello Govna! Care for a spot'o tea and a biscuit," British. I love it, I could seriously listen to this all day. (Side note: If I ask them if they've met the Queen, would I only be adding to the stereotypical British nonsense??) Two, it's messy and it looks they screwed up, but totally didn't.
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They took everything! |
At this point, the guy in the hat said, "Well, that's all we can do today! See you tomorrow, then!" Haha, you funny Brit, you! It's rainy, windy as all hell, and there are critters in the backyard! CRITTERS! I've already killed a spider that ran in. *Shudders*
The new lovelies! |
The trim and the outside portion of the door is white, we'll have to paint it to match the siding on our house, but hey...we saved $400 by not having the store paint everything for us, so as homeowners with bills and kids...we'll put in the work to save those hundo's. (If you've seen The Game Plan with The'll get this.) Did I mention that both doors open?! Who, by the way, buys French-style doors when only one of them opens?! Our Lowe's guy didn't believe us when we told him only one opened, proved him wrong! BOOM! Take that, Will!
OH! And did I forget to mention the doors we bought have blinds on the inside?! Silly me! Our last door had can buy and add-on to your existing door, and they weren't installed properly. Everytime we went to use them it felt like they were going to fall off and break. The only thing I will miss about our old set-up is that the previous owners installed a screen that pulled across the door, so you could open it up in great weather and let the breeze in. Again, it wasn't installed properly and was broken, *insert psychotic laughter*, but it worked well enough that I was using it when these guys got here.
Now, without further ado...
TA DA!!!! The paned look is gone, nothing but gorgeous glass to let all the sunlight in! Like I said, we still have to paint the trim and the door itself, but I am IN LOVE with these doors! Also, the first dog that puts its paw on my doors will lose it. : ) My husband is going to kill me, but I needs me a screen so I can open the doors and let the breeze in, but that's another project for another day. *MUAHAHA!* These poor guys worked in the rain to get it done and they were awesome! One of them actually said to the other, "I could go for a cuppa right now."
Get it?! It's funny cause it's Sherlock...and he's British.
So, our very unexpected home renovation is completed and we are, once again, as thrilled as can be with Lowe's and their expert service!
BONUS: What a beautiful sunrise we had this morning!
TA DA!!!! The paned look is gone, nothing but gorgeous glass to let all the sunlight in! Like I said, we still have to paint the trim and the door itself, but I am IN LOVE with these doors! Also, the first dog that puts its paw on my doors will lose it. : ) My husband is going to kill me, but I needs me a screen so I can open the doors and let the breeze in, but that's another project for another day. *MUAHAHA!* These poor guys worked in the rain to get it done and they were awesome! One of them actually said to the other, "I could go for a cuppa right now."
Get it?! It's funny cause it's Sherlock...and he's British.
So, our very unexpected home renovation is completed and we are, once again, as thrilled as can be with Lowe's and their expert service!
BONUS: What a beautiful sunrise we had this morning!